Mohammad ALJASEM Law Firm & Legal Consulting Group

An overview of the Mohammed ALJASEM Legal Group and its founder

The Mohammed ALJASEM Legal Group is known for its top-notch legal services for all its clients, backed by a team of experienced lawyers and experts who handle all types of legal issues in all courts. At the heart of this excellence is the founder, Mohammed ALJASEM, who is a recognized lawyer in the Constitutional Court and the Court of Cassation. His international experience shines in fighting all sorts of crimes and he’s a known expert in intellectual property crimes with a certificate from the International Investigators College.

Team work

Lawyer / Mohammad ALJASEM

Legal Counsel and Arbitrator

Retired Brigadier, Lawyer / Mohammad Bu Abbas

Director, Administrative Investigation Department, former Ministry of Interior.

Dr.Ghazi Aldammak

Lawyer at the Constitutional and Cassation Courts and former head of the Medical Committees and Health Licenses Administration Office at the Ministry of Health

Mr. Nageh Ali


Mr. Ramadan Al-Sabai


Ms. Jumanah Eissa


Mr.Fahd Al-Harbi

Lawyer at the Constitutional and Cassation Courts

Abdul Rahman Al-Abdi

Judicial commentator

Mr. Ahmed Gaber

Legal Researcher

Mr. Khalid Hafez

Legal Researcher

Mr. Taha Elraey

Legal Researcher

Ms. Saeda Shehadeh

Coordination and follow-up Department

Mr.Nabil Elnenaa

Coordination and follow-up Department

Ms.Nada Hassouna

Coordination and follow-up Department

Our services

Mohammad ALJASEM Law Firm Call Center

Cases related the Commercial Law and Corporate Law

Cases related the Civil Law and its branches

Cases related to administrative law

Cases related to the Penal Code and Criminal procedures and Trials

Rent Cases

Labor Cases

Compensation and Insurance Cases

Our Mission

To be the legal department for all our clients by providing protection and comprehensive legal solutions under the supervision of the CEO and the teamwork and according to the latest information technology methods through an integrated electronic system for coordination and follow-up on all developments in legal issues and linking customers and users with databases. Accordingly, the group›s executive and supervisory role combines under the supervision of a highly professional strategic management in drafting contracts, providing research and legal advice, in addition to initiating and following up all lawsuits.

Our vision

Increasing the legal awareness of our clients and moving to a culture that elevates the concept of legal protection and its importance in the growth and prosperity of activities, whether at the level of individuals or companies, and the extent of its impact on the conduct of those activities, and awareness of the dangers of the absence of legal opinion and the absence of legal procedures.

Our goals

Work to achieve and preserve the interests of our customers by following the latest modern means of communication, coordination and follow-up between the group›s teamwork, in a way that speeds up the pace of work and adjusts its rhythm.

Why Mohammad ALJASEM Group

Mohammad ALJASEM Law Firm and Legal Consulting Group, which includes a group of specialized legal counsels and researchers, is characterized by an advanced work system that came from field and administrative experience from various cases in all fields and scientific experience at all local and international levels to initiate lawsuits at all courts in various branches of law : (Commercial – Corporate – Civil – Penal – Administrative – Personal Status and Inheritance – Insurance – Labor Laws in the Private and Governmental Sectors – B.O.T Contracts – Tax Law – Arbitration – Financial Collections – Intellectual Property -Franchise) and with administrative and technical support with distinguished scientific and practical experience. It is worth mentioning that this success of our group, which resulted in extending its activity at the international level, didnʼt spring out of a vacuum, but rather through the establishment of cooperation relations that extended for more than 16 years, during which many conferences, meetings and training courses for legal professionals in various countries of the world resulted in gaining confidence for major legal institutions in Middle East and North Africa region and other countries regions.